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Watch INSPRS Founder Delaney Liskey speak on building a community of patient research scientists into the biomedical research workforce.
Advancing the Science

Over the past two years, we have learned that connection with one-another is more important now than ever before. The humble beginnings of INSPRS started as an idea to provide a networking platform for patient research scientists to connect and exchange scientific ideas. Today, we represent a community of individuals with a common goal to advance science through our personal experiences.
Our Mission

Every Perspective Matters
The International Society of Patient Research Scientists (INSPRS) is a professional scientific organization that is dedicated to patient research scientists in the biomedical workforce. However, we are more than just an organization. We are united as a community of individuals with a unique perspective to bring to medical science: a perspective that many researchers and clinicians likely do not have. With this, our mission is to advance biomedical research by providing a platform that assesses the breadth of the community of patient research scientists and enables the exchange of ideas.
About the Founder

Delaney E. Liskey
As a Regenerative Sciences Ph.D. student, Delaney integrates her experiences as a patient and a biomedical research scientist to advance the ongoing research of neurodegenerative conditions. She strives to equip and empower patients with the experimental skillsets and opportunities to become research scientists.